What’s in a name? Turns out, everything, when it comes to the internet. How you represent yourself online means a lot these days; whether you’re applying for a new job and, along with your references, the potential boss does a little Facebook perusing to find you; or you’re meeting a possible romantic partner (or hook-up) […]
How To Access iMessage Online For PC & Mac
By: Editorial Staff
Download iMessage For PC Windows Guide
By: Editorial Staff

The feud from Apple to Microsoft has been a long and battled one. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates always have had a love hate relationship that forever shaped the tech industry. By far, they are the two founders of modern personal computing and have always respected one another yet disagreed on tactics and general strategy. Apple […]
iMessage Review
By: Thomas
5 Best iMessage For Android Alternatives
By: Editorial Staff

The battle between all things “i” (which is to say, Apple products) and all things “not” rages on. If you’ve recently made the switch from an iPhone to an Android device, you are, no doubt, missing what is widely considered the best aspect of the iPhone: iMessage. What are the best alternatives? What’s an Android […]