Remember that first awkward conversation with a girl or guy. You didn’t know how to get things started with this total stranger? Or maybe they’re someone you knew from school (or work), and so you’d already been talking a lot, but now you had run out of things to say. This is why mini-golf, bowling, even paint-ball became such popular dating activities. Oh sure, the “dinner and a movie” is still the quintessential date, but in movies you’re just staring at a screen together, and you’ve come no closer to getting to know each other. Having an activity to do together gives you something to talk about, and something to focus on, and diverts you long enough to open the conversational floodgates.
Of course, not all games are bowling or mini-golf, which is great since so many of our conversations now aren’t in a shared physical space, where we can have a shared physical activity, but are in virtual spaces (messaging apps and the like) where we have to get a little more creative about our games. This guide will help keep the conversation rolling with the best Kik games (games you can play over Kik Messenger) to liven up any conversation.
It’s hard enough to strike up a conversation without any pretext or someone introducing you to one another. Or, sometimes you feel like a conversation with an old friend is dragging a bit and you have less and less to talk about.
Both of these situations are helped just by using a fun game involving questions and answers, guessing, role playing, and more. I’ll outline some of the best options you have to play with your new or old friend to keep the conversation going.
“We’ve been playing games since humanity had civilization – there is something primal about our desire and our ability to play games. It’s so deep-seated that it can bypass latter-day cultural norms and biases.” – Jane McGonigal
What Are Kik Games?
You may still be a little unsure what they are exactly and how you can be involved in them. Whether you’re just starting a new relationship with someone or maintaining an existing relationship there are times when the conversation stalls and it’s hard to find things to talk about.
This is a completely natural way of having a conversation, the tempo rises and falls. But in higher stakes conversations, it’s easy to read too much into that “falling” part of things, and as a consequence it gets hard to jump start things into the next “rising” cycle. So, during one of the lower times where you don’t have much to talk about, use one of the games below to get the conversation on a different topic or to kick off an exciting learning adventure between the two of you or more.
Whether they are just friends, a girlfriend or boyfriend, or a family member, these games all will help you get to know the person you’re messaging with a little bit better and you’ll both have fun doing it.
Alternatively, if you’re texting on Kik with a big group you can use some of the group games to get to know everyone, all while helping everybody kill some time. These are helpful if you have your whole class on Kik or a group of old school friends.
As with any type of game, you make it to fit what you want and your personality. Feel free to modify any of these to meet what you think will be the most fun and get the most out of the conversation. After all, it’s all about getting to know the person and enjoying each other’s company.
Best Kik Games
Now, let’s dive into some of the best Kik games. Feel free to browse through the list and try a few, you may find one that works better for you than another. Also, if you know of any that aren’t listed here please comment below and let us know what they are so we can try them too!
Fill in the Blank Game
The first game is one that I have a lot of fun playing. The basic premise is that you give someone a list of options that they can choose from and have to name someone that they either know or someone they’ve never met before who would fit the category.
This game is similar to the popular kiss, marry, kill game (although, granted, “kiss” is sometimes substituted for other options, depending on the group that’s playing) that a lot of people play via text messages. You can play either variation depending on who you’re texting with and which one you like more.
So you make up a list of 10 options and the next person fills in the 10 options. Then they do it back to you. This is a good way to find out what’s important to someone or who they really like.
For example, these could be the 10 statements that people have to match with a person:
- I like BLANK
- I love BLANK
- I really don’t like BLANK
- I’d give a kiss to BLANK
- I want to go on vacation with BLANK
- My best friend is BLANK
- I’d give $100 to BLANK for a kiss
- BLANK is my idol
- BLANK is my favorite actor/actress
- My future husband/wife is BLANK
This list of 10 fill in the blanks can be modified depending on who you’re talking to, how much you know the person, etc. Of course, you will want to use a different approach with a best friend as you would a new boyfriend or girlfriend. And this may be a game you wouldn’t even consider playing with family members.
Would You Rather Game
Another one of my favorite past times is to play would you rather. This isn’t a game where you would get to know someone on a significantly deeper level but is fun and is bound to make someone feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. The basic premise of the game is choosing two different options and asking the other person to choose one over the other.
You have to remember to keep the two options relatively equal, otherwise it won’t be a challenge or all that fun. For example, if you ask them to choose between getting $1,000,000 or a piece of toast it won’t be a hard decision (unless you have a friend who really loves toast, but then it may be time for an intervention). However, if you ask someone would they rather get a free week vacation in Hawaii or Fiji it may be a bit more of a challenge.
Go back and forth asking questions and see what people prefer. You can also try to make it an uncomfortable question such as would you rather eat dog meat or cat meat. This game is great for kicking off a conversation, because once the person has made their choice, you can ask “why?” and next thing you know, you’re really talking. Or else, the person you’re playing with is one of those (like me) who really has to talk through the process for difficult decisions. Either way, this game can be pretty revealing, depending on how you choose your questions.
Never Have I Ever
This is a great game to play with someone you’re dating or want to date. You can get a good idea pretty quick how much they’ve done and how experienced they are in various things. Often times these revert to either fun experiences or adventurous experiences, so once again, this isn’t a family game. Unless you’re a Lannister.
The basic premise is one person says never have I ever BLANK and they fill in something like gotten a tattoo. Then, everybody else playing has 5 fingers (or outs). If the other person has gotten a tattoo then they would lose an out (usually represented when playing in person by bending one finger). You go back and forth asking never have I ever questions or statements until the first person has no more outs left (in physical games, this person is now making a fist).
There isn’t much prize for winning this game but it’s more so a chance for you to get to know the person and see what sorts of things they’ve done. You can make statements about where you’ve traveled to, exciting things you’ve done, etc. And if you choose something really outlandish for your statement (“Never have I ever had a professor try to persuade me to get a Russian mail-order bride”), then the people who do lose an out on that one have a story that you have to hear.
Movie Line Game
This is one of my all time favorite games and involves quoting movies and the other person guessing what movie it’s from. Of course, in my family, we just call this “talking,” since we communicate entirely in movie quotes. You can limit the movies to a certain decade or a certain genre if you’d like. You can even limit the quotes to an actor. Often times when I play the movie line game I’ll limit it to only Will Ferrell movies because so many of his movies have been quotable.
This only works on Kik if both sides agree not to use Google to just search for what movie a quote came from. This makes the game completely useless and turns it into a back and forth Google search game, pretty lame. So make sure you get agreement from all parties involved that you won’t use any help to try to guess what movie it came from.
Pretend To Be Someone
This is a great game if you and the other person are somewhat creative because it allows basically endless creativity and is a ton of fun. Each of you chooses a character to mimic in your text messages. That person can be real, fictitious, alive or dead. You can even choose to mimic something that’s not even human, like a super hero or a cartoon animal.
There are two variations where you tell the other person who you are mimicking and you just have a ton of fun chatting back and forth. The other option is to not tell the person and they have to guess who you are impersonating. Both are funny and a ton of fun as you really get into the groove of the character and live it up!
Build Your Story
Again, if you’re a creative type or a dreamer you will love this option as it will transport you to another world, another time, or another place. The basic premise is that you start with one person and they begin a story using 1 to 2 paragraphs.
The initial story shouldn’t be too long as you don’t want a ton of detail to all flesh out at once. Then you hand it over to the next person who adds on 1 to 2 paragraphs to the story and builds on the first part of it. You will go back and forth until you’ve developed an incredible story that is a complete compilation of the two of your personalities or more if you’re playing with a group.
The cool thing about this game is that every time it is different. I’ve never played it where the story is remotely similar to another one. This is because the people change, your imagination changes, and your desire for a fantasy world changes with time. It’s better to add a bit of dreamlike quality to the story, you don’t want a story of a guy who goes to work everyday and has a boring dull life outside work.
Where Am I?
Here you will first come up with a place in your mind that the other person would know of. It doesn’t work too well if you’re thinking of the small town you grew up in that the other person would never guess. Once you have a place in mind, let’s say Paris, you start to drop hints starting with difficult ones and getting to more obvious ones if they don’t get it with the difficult hints.
You could start by saying:
- There’s a ton of great cheeses all over
- Fashion is huge where I am
- They love baguettes and Nutella
- Everyone here speaks a romance language
- I can see the Eiffel Tower
Let’s hope after the Eiffel Tower one they would be able to guess where you are. After that, you can switch off and have the other person do the same thing but from a different location.
That wraps up this guide outlining some of my absolute favorite Kik games and hopefully got some ideas in your mind about potential ones to play.
Leave a comment below if you have your own game that you like to play that wasn’t featured here and we’ll be sure to try it next time. Also, if you found this article to be helpful please share on Facebook or Twitter so more people can play! Furthermore, let us know if you have any other questions about Kik, such as how to come up with a name, or how to use it online from your computer.